According to herself, Laurie Roth is “the Annie Oakley of the Airwaves”, but the comparison doesn’t automatically strike you if you tune in to The Roth Show. Roth also writes for Alan Keyes’s Renew America, where she has made a career for herself as an incoherently batshit crazy conspiracy theorist.
Roth is, of course, a birther. His origins, to Roth, explain why Obama always sides with radical Muslims who support Sharia law. According to Roth, “Obama is a radical Communist/Islamist and has always hated what the real America represents,” who has a “clear and thought-out methodology” for achieving his invidious goal, as well as “international Islamic support. He has always mysteriously had billions of dollars in backing.” Indeed “[i]t is most clear that Obama, from birth, was the chosen destroyer of America. Believe what you want, but the large sea of facts support this, from the massive millions spent to hide all Obama’s documents – falsifying his birth records, use of false social security cards, and hiding college records. Think about it a second. Have you ever heard of any U.S. president ever spending millions to hide every detail of his life from the people?” No, Roth’s got a point there. In fact, in January 2012, Roth was named as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against President Barack Obama in Georgia, represented by none other than Orly Taitz, challenging Obama’s eligibility to run for president of the United States (among the host of other plaintiffs, by the way, we also note the familiar name of Carl Swensson; hi, Carl). The case was not particularly successful.
Even more tastelessly, Roth is a Sandy Hook truther. According to Roth the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School were a false flag operation by Obama to push through gun control (which can’t have been judged to have been particularly successful), and she has repeatedly been discussing “the endless discrepancies with the ‘Sandy Hook event’” on her show, through what to most people would immediately sound like a tasteless parody of the kinds of “discussions of discrepancies” offered by 9/11 truthers.
She has (but of course) also weighed in zeh gays, calling for the restoration of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell to stop President Obama from attempting to “terrorize” and “destroy” military service members by “raping their freedom of speech [not further explained] and religious rights.” Homosexuality also leads directly to bestiality, since Roth is utterly unable to perceive relevant distinctions or why reason is a good thing.
Roth has also run for president, no less. In 2011 she sought the 2012 presidential nomination of the Constitution Party, but failing that battle got the nomination of the American Independent Party in November 2011 instead (yes, George Wallace’s old party). She dropped out of the race in July 2012, but it is hard to say whether anyone noticed.
Diagnosis: So staggeringly crazy that she doesn’t even recognize that Orly Taitz is a loon. No, she’s far from alone. People do listen to her. But come on.
Note: I assume that Laurie A. Roth of “”, a sound/ energy-vibrational healer who “has helped many other healers accelerate, understand and open their ‘Light based healing abilities’” and who has a “gift of pre-cognitive dreaming”, is a different person, though they share some of the same meticulous care for evidence, reason, and reality. Would be interesting if they met someday.