Ray Alcon is a North Carolina-based preacher, religious fundamentalist and creationist – really just a local village idiot, but we’re aiming for comprehensiveness here, so we’ll grant him a brief entry. Alcon is“convinced that evolutionists live in a world of make-believe and delusion” and that“there isn’t one single and scientific fact that established evolution as true”; he’ll adamantly refuse to look at whatever piece of evidence you may offer. “The fact is,” says Alcon, “evolution has never been, nor ever will be, observed,” which is falseand anyways not how science – testing hypotheses and theories (which are about the unobserved) against observable data that will confirm or disconfirm them – works. Not knowing how scientific inquiry works, Alcon is ready to employ any silly creationist talking point to further his case, whether he begins to understand it or not, including appealing to the second law of thermodynamics (it “destroys the possibility of evolution”, according to Alcon, which is silly) and denying the glaring evidence of the fossil record(“there has never been and never will be an intermediate evolutionary formfound in the fossil record”, asserts Alcon – falsely, to the extent that the claim is meaningful).
Alcon’s clincher, however, is that there are many Christians who deny evolution, despite “decades of brainwashing in our educational system”. In fact, all Christians deny evolution, by definition: there may be people who claim to be Christians who believe “the big lie”, but they aren’t: “The word ‘Christian’ means ‘Christlike,’ and Christ never did nor ever will deny His creation.” So there.
Diagnosis: Silly creationist, fundie and local village idiot. Minor, but dreadfully moronic.